Jumat, 09 Maret 2012


i was school at SMAN 5, malang. i had a senior, he's name *tiiiiiiittt hahaha I don't know when I first saw him. maybe when I passed at basketball hall (agak jauh sih,tepatnya di sebelah mgmp) and my friend said 'well that's him' and i thougt.

after that I never think of anyone that I saw yesterday. until finally my friend texted me asking 'are you yesterday wear a red bag?" I replied 'yes, why?' and she didn't answer it. but i still dont know why did he ask. and i dont care.

hmmmm....this story will be continued guys! i'll tell you tomorrow (kalo sempet :p eh wajib sih, ada tugas dari pak isdah sih). im tired for today, i guess i've go to sleep now. see ya later! cheers :D

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